The story begins 6 years ago, when Soel Briche's video series were very successful in France. Unfortunately, the other side of the coin torments him and deprives him of the joy and desire to share his passion through these montages. Because sharing in these times when imagination is dwindling is delicate...
Many people rush to bathe in the magic of a video by reproducing the same rather than looking for magic in new areas or looking for magic at all. This destroys a bit of the magic of the highlighted locations, the fishing pressure and those drifts. In short, a vicious circle that Soel wanted to escape!
So he suggested a different project to a whole bunch of his friends and a member of his team: to travel to the former Yugoslavia and try to catch carp in a large lake, in places where he could share without a second thought. … I was the only crazy person to leave, our “adventurer” couple was born. We didn't know each other back then, just a team brought us together and a short meeting that lasted a few hours. That was the big worry of that first trip: Will we get along?
In the end, this film was a failure in the former Yugoslavia... Not enough carp and a lot of problems, but this trip formed this friendship, which gradually became the Brakass project. Last year, after many years of traveling with an inflatable kayak, I wanted to go down a large river, initially with just a rod and very quickly with enough to fish for carp... at least as much as possible. I quickly shared my project with Soel and asked him to do part of it with me...
One thing led to another, this descent became a two-person project and also an opportunity for Soel to make a film according to his conscience! Today we are halfway there, already more than 300 km downhill, countless portages to pass the dams and above all a discovery of the Rhône from a different perspective, in a different temporality, we go everywhere, we see everything and we have time to look...
Of course, we don't have time to fish everywhere and we can't count the places where we should have stopped, but where we couldn't, we still have to do 20-30 km of kayaking per day.
And the carp... Well, we caught some, unfortunately not everywhere we stopped, but we won't complain, plus we caught some nice ones, even magnificent ones, but we're keeping them for the film.
As I said above, we are halfway through the course and the further we descend, the more fish the big river has. Let's hope our decisions are wise and the carp are active.
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