
Whether entertaining stories from our authors, interesting HowTos or news about Hammer Tackle: We wish you the best of entertainment on the following pages!

Guido Richard: 4. Advent Blog - Mildes Wetter, starker Südwind

Guido Richard: 4. Advent Blog - Mildes Wetter, starker Südwind

Winterangeln am vergessenen Szene-Baggersee – Teil 4 Wie ich in meinem letzten Blog schon berichtete, war für die Woche vor Weihnachten mildes Wetter mit Tiefdruck und Südwind gemeldet. Am Dienstag...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Februar, only the lonely

Twelve months of carp fishing: February, only the lonely

February is the most difficult month for carp fishing. We are now in the middle of winter and are hoping for warmer temperatures, which won't be noticeable underwater until March. Many lakes are si...

Pascal Bouillon: Das Haus am See

Pascal Bouillon: The house by the lake

In our imagination, there is a place where everything is just right. We associate this place with memories, with seasons, with experiences and with feelings. I wish such a place for every good pers...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Dezember und Januar, der Winter ist da.

Twelve months of carp fishing: December and January, winter is here.

Carp fishing changes significantly from December to January. However, a comparison between these two months helps to understand the changes that take place underwater during this time. December can...

Guido Richard: 3. Advent Blog - Hochdruck und eiskaltes Wetter

Guido Richard: 3. Advent Blog - Hochdruck und eiskaltes Wetter

Es ist der 13. Dezember. Meine drei Ruten liegen seit 19:00 und ich sitze gerade auf meiner Liege vor der Zeltheizung. Draußen ist es eisig kalt und mein Setup ist mit Frost bedeckt. Die Angelbedin...

Guido Richard: 2. Advent Blog - Der zweite Platz

Guido Richard: 2. Advent Blog - Der zweite Platz

Wie ich euch in meinem letzten Blog ja schon mitgeteilt hatte, begann ich eine Woche vor dem ersten Advent damit, einen neuen Platz vorzubereiten. Dieser liegt rund 500 Meter vom ersten entfernt, s...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Dranbleiben im November

Twelve months of carp fishing: Keeping at it in November

I've made it easy for myself with this column for November. Due to a lack of time, I only wrote it afterwards, at the beginning of December, and can therefore incorporate the experiences of the la...

Guido Richard: 1. Advent Blog - Spätherbstangeln am Szene-Baggersee

Guido Richard: 1. Advent Blog - Spätherbstangeln am Szene-Baggersee

In den meisten Jahren beende ich meine Karpfenangelsaison um Mitte November, wenn die Wassertemperatur einstellig wird und die ersten Hochwasserwellen den Fluss runterrollen. In die Karten spielte ...

Hit the road Jake: Organisation ist alles – 10 Wochen Roadtrip im Twingo

Hit the road Jake: Organisation is everything - 10 weeks road trip in the Twingo

If there's one place I'm longing for, it's probably the Atlantic coast in the north of Spain at the moment. Few landscapes in Europe impress me so much and unite all my passions in one place. The ...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Magischer Oktober

Twelve months of carp fishing: Magical October

The initially hot September, with temperatures of over 30 degrees, turned in southern Germany in the second week of September, becoming wet and windy and giving us the finest fishing weather inste...

Hit the road Jake: Drei Jahre im Revue

Hit the road Jake: Three years in review

The rain slowly starts to fall again. The drops patter loudly on the forest, the small river and my tent. It's the first harbinger of autumn, and this is exactly the moment I like to spend by the ...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Action im September

Twelve months of carp fishing: Action in September

It's here! Probably the most action-packed month of the year. It's time for the big feast! No PVA utensils, preferably the big feeding ladle and pop-ups are used for the snowman at most. You can s...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Das große Fressen startet im August

Twelve months of carp fishing: The big feast starts in August

The title of this column has to be swallowed - especially if you are currently experiencing the summer heat. It's also a pretty tight number, with the start of the big feed in August. But in most ...

Guido Richard: Na dann eben vom Faltboot aus!

Guido Richard: From a folding boat then!

At the beginning of April, the weather finally improved and I suddenly felt the urge to get back on the water. On the evening before the day I was due to start, I first fed 2.5kg of boilies with t...

Guido Richard: Unbeschwert und nur wenn es sich lohnt

Guido Richard: Carefree and only when it's worth it

Mid-March 2024: Back from New Zealand. After around two and a half months of fishing and enjoying life on the South Island, it was time to return to Europe. I had spent the last fishing trip deep ...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Sommerpause Juli?

Twelve months of carp fishing - summer break in July?

I want to start what was barely finished in June 2024; the love game. Unstable weather conditions, barely two days of sunshine in a row followed by torrential rain, resulting floods that barely su...

Guido Richard: Fliegenfischen an den großen Seen in Neuseeland

Guido Richard: Fly Fishing the Great Lakes of New Zealand

New Zealand, mid-January 2024: After two heavy days of rain, with up to 110mm of precipitation, the rivers on most of the South Island are murky and unfortunately too high for fly fishing. The p...

Pascal Bouillon: Frühling heißt Wachwerden

Pascal Bouillon: Spring means waking up

I had only just left autumn behind me, barely celebrated Christmas and New Year's Eve and the new season was already just around the corner. We anglers feel spring earlier than everyone else and l...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: Juni, die große Ernüchterung (oder doch nicht?)

Twelve months of carp fishing: June, the big disillusionment

Fading hormones, partially bruised and damaged bodies, sunken bellies and seasonally low weights. The fat months are over! And really anyone can catch a carp. The finesse that was necessary in pre...

Soël "Wild Dream" Briche: Das wässrige Labyrinth

Soël "Wild Dream" Briche: Das wässrige Labyrinth

Das Karpfenangeln hat viele Gesichter. Ob es nun um die Art und Weise geht, wie man es betreibt, oder um die Vielfalt der möglichen Spielplätze, Langeweile scheint sich in dieser ebenso umfassenden...

Zwölf Monate Karpfenangeln: der Mai

Twelve months of carp fishing: May

The beautiful month of May is here! After the long winter months and the early and unstable spring months of March and April, the ‘real’ spring is now coming to life and you should soak up this sho...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (3)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (3)

January 2024, West Coast, New Zealand: This area can receive up to 6 metres of rain per year, the average for almost 250 days of rain. A fantastic area for fly fishing, but one that can very quick...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (2)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (2)

January 2024, New Zealand:I landed in Christchurch just under a week ago. Driss was already waiting for me there with my little four-wheel drive campervan, which will be my home for the next two mo...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (1)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (1)

January 2024, Dubai Airport:It's been a little less than four years since I left New Zealand just before the corona madness. Every winter since then, I've had to think about my friends there, about...