
Whether entertaining stories from our authors, interesting HowTos or news about Hammer Tackle: We wish you the best of entertainment on the following pages!

Guido Richard: Fliegenfischen an den großen Seen in Neuseeland

Guido Richard: Fly Fishing the Great Lakes of New Zealand

New Zealand, mid-January 2024: After two heavy days of rain, with up to 110mm of precipitation, the rivers on most of the South Island are murky and unfortunately too high for fly fishing. The p...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (3)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (3)

January 2024, West Coast, New Zealand: This area can receive up to 6 metres of rain per year, the average for almost 250 days of rain. A fantastic area for fly fishing, but one that can very quick...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (2)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (2)

January 2024, New Zealand:I landed in Christchurch just under a week ago. Driss was already waiting for me there with my little four-wheel drive campervan, which will be my home for the next two mo...

Guido Richard: In der Ferne werden Erinnerungen wieder lebendig (1)

Guido Richard: Memories come alive again in the distance (1)

January 2024, Dubai Airport:It's been a little less than four years since I left New Zealand just before the corona madness. Every winter since then, I've had to think about my friends there, about...

Guido Richard: Etwas Neues - Hechtangeln im Volkerak | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: Something new – pike fishing in the Volkerak

Since becoming an angler, I've been constantly looking for new ways to have fun. For this I need a goal and challenges - I want to create new feelings, explore new paths in order to satisfy my ...

Guido Richard: Okay okay | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: Okay, okay

At the beginning of July I'm eager to go carp fishing after being too busy with trout and predators for more than a month. I find a very quiet little place, easy to bait and cool for summer eve...

Guido Richard: Frühjahrsfinale | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: Spring finale

At the end of April, the predatory season was over for us and with the first casts early in the morning - in search of the first pike of the season - my addiction and desire for the carp was exting...

Guido Richard: Mein Lieblingsmonat | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: My favorite month

April, April, my favorite month! Nature is slowly becoming green again, the trout are catching mayflies again, the carp are getting into the feeding mood again and are often enjoying the first warm...

Guido Richard: Saisonstart (2) | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: start of the season (2)

At the end of the last blog I reported on the few ice-cold nights where I caught the pretty zeiler, luckily at the end of this week it slowly got warmer, no more frost overnight and even the occasi...

Guido Richard: Saisonstart | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: Start of the season

At the beginning of November the fishing season ended very abruptly. The second Corona lockdown again brought a ban on movement and fishing. It was hilarious. Then, in mid-December, the restriction...

Guido Richard: Der große Traum | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: The big dream

The story begins in May 2019. I returned to France from a full year of fly fishing in New Zealand. And I was excited to go carp fishing again! But neither the canal nor the usual small reservoirs i...

Guido Richard: Une première à Saint Cassien (4) | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: A premiere in Saint Cassien (4)

Like every morning, well before sunrise we head out onto the water to the famous pointy point mentioned in the previous blog. In the morning we have a very precise routine to load the boats without...

Guido Richard: Une première à Saint Cassien (3) | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: A premiere in Saint Cassien (3)

Quite satisfied with the fishing of the last few days, we treated ourselves to a morning of intensive fishing from the bridge parking lot, took the opportunity to shop and reorganize our chaos a bi...

Guido Richard: Une première à Saint Cassien (2) | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: A premiere in Saint Cassien (2)

The wind didn't stop blowing during the night, the clouds in the sky darkened and gave hope of rain during the day. It must be 10am when I open my eyes, slumped on the flat chair, a little disa...

Guido Richard: Une première à Saint Cassien (1) | Hammer Tackle

Guido Richard: A premiere in Saint Cassien (1)

At dawn on the third day, only a few rays of sunlight manage to break through the fog and reveal the structure of the famous green bridge. We navigate carefully on our small inflatable boats, scann...